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来源: 汇集文学城 时间:2024-04-30
1、“睡意浓浓”定心丸,赶走失眠。 "Sleepy" calming pill can drive away insomnia. 2、别为难自己,别辜负岁月,晚安,全世界。 Don't embarrass yourself. Don't let go of years. Good night, all over the world. 3、守望的心,守候的情,只望你拥有一个美丽夜晚! Watching heart, waiting for love, only hope you have a beautiful night! 4、让酣睡甜甜随你,祝美梦悠悠陪你! Let the sound sleep sweet with you, I wish you a long dream! 5、晚安!一声祝福,好人一生平安,保重身体,做个好梦! good night! A blessing, good life peace, take care of the body, a good dream! 6、数着夜黑的星星过日子,用一夜的思念去思念。 Count the dark stars to live, with a night of missing to miss. 7、蝉鸣声声减,天气微微凉,夜晚睡熟莫开窗。 Cicadas sound reduced, the weather slightly cool, sleep at night do not open the window. 8、解释永远是多余的,因为懂你的人不需要它,不懂你的人更不需要它。 Explanation is always superfluous, because people who understand you don't need it, and those who don't know you don't need it. 9、来日方长细思量,愿君吹灯早入眠。 I hope you will blow the lamp and go to sleep early. 10、人生不论成功和失败,睡好觉,每一天都是新的开始,晚安! No matter success or failure in life, sleep well, every day is a new beginning. Good night! 11、愿你晚安梦乡找,快快乐乐每一秒! I wish you a good night and a happy every second! 12、愿你好人就有好梦,好运伴随你的一生。 May you have good dreams and good luck in your life. 13、停下休息的时候,不要忘记有人还在奔跑。晚安! When you stop to rest, don't forget that someone is still running. good night! 14、晚安,朋友们睡觉觉吧,明天还得搬砖,好梦哦。 Good night, my friends, go to sleep. I have to move bricks tomorrow. Good dream. 15、月弯弯,星闪闪,清清爽爽可安眠。 The moon is crooked and the stars are shining. It is refreshing and refreshing to sleep. 16、给你的脑子洗洗澡,洗去一身的烦恼。 Give your brain a bath, wash away all the troubles. 17、黑夜里,那满天繁星,是我凝视你的眼睛。 In the night, the stars all over the sky are my eyes staring at you. 18、希望醒来可以做个洒脱的人,把过去的烦恼通通忘掉。 Hope to wake up to be a free and easy person, to forget the past troubles. 19、愿我的祝福为你送去温暖、宁静,带给你祥和、顺利,晚安! May my blessing send you warmth, peace and peace to you. Good night! 20、愿你活得尽兴,而不是过的庆幸。 May you enjoy your life, not your happiness. 21、星星在银河眨眼,为你巡逻整夜不眠。 Stars blink in the Milky way, patrol for you all night. 22、愿你夜夜都好梦,天天爱相随,晚上好梦连连,祝你晚安! I wish you good dreams every night, love each other every day, good dreams at night, good night to you! 23、夜里,那满天繁星,就是我凝视你的眼睛。 At night, the stars in the sky are my eyes staring at you. 24、愿你今夜有一个甜蜜的梦境,晚安! May you have a sweet dream tonight. Good night! 25、年龄永远不是衡量一个人的刻度,只有责任的叠加才会让人逐渐成长。晚安! Age is never a measure of a person's scale, only the superposition of responsibilities can make people grow up gradually. good night! 26、祝你不用熬过黑夜,已经等到晚安。 I hope you don't have to go through the night. Good night. 27、宁静的夜晚,美丽的天空,丝丝的微风,对你的关怀一直在心中。 The quiet night, the beautiful sky, the breeze, the care for you has always been in my heart. 28、愿你走进甜甜的梦乡,祝你有个宁静的夜晚。 I wish you a sweet dream and a quiet night. 29、送走一天的忙碌,忘掉一天的烦恼。 Send off the busy day, forget the trouble of the day. 30、我愿做天上的星星,在安静的夜晚伴随你,心情舒畅。 I would like to be a star in the sky, accompany you in the quiet night, and feel happy. 31、月亮扬起帆,为你的梦想而护航,让你的美梦成真。 The moon sets sail to escort your dream and make your dream come true. 32、睡一睡,心情好,做美梦,甜蜜蜜。 Sleep, good mood, dream, sweet honey. 33、等待明天温暖的阳光把你叫醒的吧!祝你晚安。 Wait for tomorrow's warm sunshine to wake you up! Good night. 34、愿你今晚心情舒畅,有个美妙梦境! May you have a good mood and a wonderful dream tonight! 35、愿祝福和问候紧紧将你围绕,伴你甜美入梦,晚安! May the blessings and greetings surround you and accompany you to a sweet dream. Good night! 36、温暖一个美梦,温暖一个希望,朋友,晚安。 Warm a dream, warm a hope, friends, good night. 37、我愿做天上的月亮,在漆黑的夜晚照耀着你,无忧无虑。 I would like to be the moon in the sky, shining on you in the dark night, carefree. 38、晚安这两个简单的字,我想一天不落的跟你说一辈子。 Good night, these two simple words, I want to say to you for a lifetime. 39、晚安,朋友,累了一天了,洗洗睡吧! Good night, my friend. I've been tired for a whole day. Let's go to bed! 40、朋友,夜深了,好好睡吧,明天醒来,祝你精神焕发,神清气爽。 Friends, it's late at night, sleep well, wake up tomorrow, I wish you a fresh and fresh spirit. 41、愿一个问候带给你一个新的心情,愿一个祝福带给你一个新的起点。 May a greeting bring you a new mood, may a blessing bring you a new starting point. 42、给你不眠的睡眠,让你喝一杯,让你睡得甜些,祝你有一个长久的梦! Give you a sleepless sleep, let you drink a cup, let you sleep sweeter, I wish you a long dream! 43、每当要睡觉的时候,被窝缺个你,我相信这一天不会很晚,心上的人儿晚安。 Every time I want to sleep, I believe this day will not be very late. Good night, my heart. 44、不要再玩手机了,快去睡觉,乖。晚安。 Stop playing with your cell phone, go to bed, good. good night. 45、不开心的时候睡一觉,开心的时候要睡好。 Sleep when you are unhappy, and sleep well when you are happy. 46、愿我的一声祝福洗去你一天的劳累,一句晚安带你进入美妙的梦境! May my blessing wash away the tiredness of your day, and a good night will bring you into a wonderful dream! 47、愿你温馨笑一笑,舒舒服服睡个好觉! Wish you a warm smile and a good sleep! 48、真挚的友谊真挚的心,晚安代表我的心。 Sincere friendship, sincere heart, good night represents my heart. 49、愿你以后睡觉脑中空无一事,休息好创造事事顺心! May you sleep in the future, empty your mind, rest well and create everything to your heart's content! 50、愿你轻松入睡,好梦连连,晚安。 I wish you a good sleep, good night. 51、说声晚安吧,祝你不要在梦里遇见我。 Say good night and don't meet me in your dream. 52、说过的话一定要做到,哪怕是很愚蠢的,也总比言而无信的好。 What you have said must be done, even if it is stupid, it is better than what you say without faith. 53、道一句晚安,好好休息,安好一整夜! Say good night, have a good rest and have a good night! 54、晚风轻轻拂来,带去我的问候:夜深了,做个好梦! The evening breeze gently blows, brings my greetings: late at night, have a good dream! 55、你是今夜的公主,一切因你更闪亮,祝福你一夜好梦。 You are the princess of the night. Everything is brighter because of you. I wish you a good night's dream. 56、快乐给你捶背,舒服帮你揉腿,开心替你暖被,轻松陪你为睡! Happy to beat your back, comfortable to help you knead your legs, happy for your warm quilt, easy to accompany you for sleep! 57、星星瞧,月亮耀,你的美梦真不少。 Look at the stars. The moon is shining. You have many beautiful dreams. 58、把一身疲惫甩在家门外,晚饭间家人的谈笑让你轻松自然。 Leave a tired body outside the home, the family talk and smile in the dinner room let you relaxed and natural. 59、安然入睡精神爽,隔天醒来生活美。 Sleep safely, have a good spirit, wake up the next day, life is beautiful. 60、累了就早休息吧,困了就早睡吧。 Rest early when you are tired, and go to bed early if you are sleepy.





